Friday, October 5, 2007

A week of experiment!

It is almost a week after I have put up this blog of mine. Things happen so week that today I just notice, Argg! I am actually blogging! This week-end is just a round-up on what happened and what I have learned so far as far as blogging and a start-up on marketing and earning something at home.

Here is basically what happened in an almost a week time,
1. I have put a blog (this blog) as personal journal for my journey to internet and find ways to help me in a little way.
2. I have signed up for an adsense account. And finally got accepted!
3. I placed a feedburner (dont know much about it, just my friend told me so), and got my first subscriber/reader, and noticing now it has 4 people? Yeah! I am very glad and thanks to my readers.
4. I have search ways on how to make friends to the internet.

And here is what I have learned so far:
1. Make friends. Be polite to them. Make sure you thanks them in your own way by supporting you. Of course this does not only apply offline but also for your internet friends who give their ample and precious time reading your post.
2. If you are not yet a member of those social services like orkut or myspace, you can try to sign-up and make friends, your friends can be your regular visitor your blog.
3. Be honest on what you do. This way readers will know who you are exactly as you post.
4. Don't jump directly or join the bandwagon, it may loose your poise (at least), just kidding, it might end up on a big mess.
5. Learned some different internet jargons like internet marketing, blog and others.

So far, that is what I have learned now and I am sure I will learn a different things on the next weeks to come, don't close your doors reading my blog as days go by, I will list all possible ventures that I have gone with mining those treasures in the internet. Hope you will be with me when that time comes. Besides Christmas time is coming!

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